Delpo Plumbing, Heating & Cooling

You Know It’s Time To Replace Your Central Air Conditioning When…

No homeowner wants to upgrade their central air conditioning system. And unless you’ve never before experienced the joys of air conditioning, new HVAC installation isn’t likely to be the highlight of your spring or summer. Yet your home’s central heating and cooling systems can have a major impact on both your quality of life and your budget.

So how do you know when it’s time to finally upgrade your old air conditioning unit? Watch for these sure signs that you’re overdue for an AC upgrade.


How Old Is Your Air Conditioning System?

ENERGY STAR is an international energy efficiency standard developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy in the 1990s. And according to ENERGY STAR, most central air conditioning systems outlive their usefulness after 10 years. While regular repair and maintenance from HVAC services can help you extend your unit’s lifespan, this is usually the point at which you’ll need to replace your home’s central air.


Are You Paying for HVAC Repair… Again?

In the moment, HVAC repair might seem like the savvier choice. Why pay for a replacement appliance when HVAC services can simply replace a single broken part? Of course, like many home improvement projects, you have to weigh the long-term costs of repeat repairs over the short-term costs of new HVAC installation.

When performing this cost-benefit analysis, remember that modern, ENERGY STAR-rated HVAC appliances can save 20% on your home’s total heating and cooling costs.

Does Your HVAC Unit Use R-22 Refrigerant?

In the early 2010s, the government made a major update to residential refrigerant standards. And while this announcement went largely unnoticed by those not immersed in the world of HVAC services, the rule change had a delayed reaction on many homeowners. That’s because R-22 was the most common refrigerant used in the United States for many years. Now, R-22 is scheduled to be phased out completely by 2020. 

If your central air conditioning unit uses R-22 Freon, then it will soon become impossible to repair these older units. That means it’s either time to invest in a new unit or start saving for inevitable AC replacement.

Does Your Home Have Stubborn Hot or Cold Spots?

Because heat naturally rises, it’s natural for some parts of your home to be warmer or cooler than others. However, if certain areas of your home just won’t get warm in the winter or cool in the summer, then there may be an underlying problem with your central air. Fortunately for anyone hoping to put off buying a new appliance, the problem is most likely caused by a duct problem or poorly sealed windows and doors. Contact HVAC services for help identifying and correcting these problems.

If you don’t, your central air might overwork itself into an early death.

Can You Remember the Last Time Local Heating and Cooling Experts Serviced Your Central Air System?

Like a frog slowly boiling in water, it’s possible that your air conditioning system has slowly become less efficient over time. If you can’t even remember the last time HVAC professionals came by to service your unit, then you’re way overdue for a visit. Don’t just wait around for your AC unit to suddenly stop working on a particularly hot summer’s day.

Whether your central air system is brand new or decades old, this spring is the perfect time to schedule an appointment with your local HVAC pros. Don’t put it off any longer, or else you’ll soon have no choice but to pay for a surprise AC unit replacement.